Custom Software

Software built just for you.

Off the shelf software packages often do some of what you want but then make you work around obstacles to match it to your business. Or maybe your business doesn’t any readymade software solutions that do exactly what you want. Our custom designed and built software does just that and can provide you with a key competitive advantage.

We believe that the key to successfully developing a custom solution that answers your business problem is our ability to work closely with our customers to create what they want, not what the programmer wants to deliver! Listening, observing and learning, we define with you the problem or business issue that you want solved and design a solution for it.

We then deliver the solution in an "iterative" manner. This just means that we provide you with the first version, see how it meets your expectations, go back and refine it and do that a number of times until you are satisfied with the results.

Our experience ranges from an international music jingle database in 24 languages for Radio and TV producers to a Satellite broadband users system working with EuroSat 1. We have also done as small a project as a tracking system for pilots going out to meet incoming freighters. It’s not just the size of the company or project, rather the business issue being solved.

Technical Details

As Microsoft Development Partners we use industry standard development tools. For databases we use MS SQL and MS Access. For programming desktop (Windows) based solutions we use MS C# and VB.NET. For WEB based solutions we use ASP.NET as well as a variety of new development tools including Silverlight, HTML5, ……….

Using cutting edge add-in tools we can give you high quality reports, graphical dashboards and ad-hoc analysis tools providing your business with the information needed to support your day to day business decisions.


Whether it is data in an old legacy system or being provided by a third party, we can help get it into the right format for you and bring it into your new custom built system. If you want we can also keep your legacy system going longer while your new system is built.

What about the Cloud?

The cloud is your custom software running on a computer that is not in your office and to which your staff connect to through a regular browser like Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. The cloud is in fact servers based in our data centre in Exeter.

What are the benefits?

  • It’s geographically free. This means you can access it from anywhere that has internet access, be that your office or the beach in Bali.
  • It hardware free. This means that you can use older computers running XP or Vista or computers that have other operating systems like Apple Macs or Unix.
  • It’s less expense to develop and maintain. This is because we can update the one program in one place rather than all the individual users.
  • Its more secure. Because we can maintain it behind professional firewalls not even your staff can download the data unless you specifically give them the right to. Your data is also not on some laptop left in the back of a taxi!

To talk to a consultant about your business issue that you would like solved call 0845 2416290

Contact us

Visual B Technologies

0845 2416290